Bebe Tran
Bebe Tran is a professional makeup artist and hairstylist based in Dallas, Texas. Bebe Tran migrated to the United States at the tender age of 8, with her family of 7. She had to learn from a very young age how to become a self-sufficient, responsible, and primary provider for her self and her family. Following high school graduation, Bebe attended a 4-year university and obtained a Bachelors of Arts in fashion design and merchandising. Following her true passions towards the beauty industry, she went on to pursue an education in cosmetology with TONI&GUY shortly after receiving her bachelors.
While studying at TONI&GUY, one of her instructor had noticed that she had a gift
in colors. The instructor told Bebe even if it’s not in hair coloring she should pursue a career that has to do something with color. Her instructor then let her assist in some of their advance make-up classes and soon after, Bebe decided that she wanted to give make-up a try. She had extensive training with Dior Cosmetics, rep for their brand and had managed several of their beauty counters. She picked up lash extension and microblading due to the demands of her clients. She love being in the beauty industry because she can help empower women by making them look and feel beautiful. Bebe quoted “beautiful cast inner confidence.” She may not be a doctor to physically treat a person but she can for sure help her clients mentally with her services.